• Municipalities Supporting Adult Education 2020-1-LV01-KA204-077426, is an Erasmus+ project aiming at significantly increasing adults’ participation in formal, non-formal and informal learning, both to acquire working skills and to implement active citizenship, investing in the growth of human capital at all levels in order to increase the efficiency of enterprises. Focusing on the educational needs of different target groups – both socially vulnerable and socially and economically active people – MSAE aims at capacity building for SMEs, analysing the digital literacy needs expressed by enterprises, public authorities and, more generally, by the local labour market. In addition to PROMETEO as the Italian partner, the project partners are the lead partner Latvian Adult Education Association (Latvia), Lietuvos Suaugusiuju Svietimo Asociacija (Lithuania) and Eesti Taiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsioon Andras (Estonia).