Municipalities Support Adult Education

Category: Int-Outputs

2nd MSAE Project Progress Meeting

This meeting was held in June-21 and due to covid, meeting was held virtually. The 2nd meeting was scheduled during the first steps of the realization of the IO in order to share possible difficulties and agree about the solutions. The partnership debated further details about development of intellectual outcomes and discussed 1st training event organization.

Partners agreed about further tasks and deadlines and closed meeting with clear understanding what to be done further. After the meeting questioner about evaluation of satisfaction about the meeting was sent and positive answers were got back. There were sent also questioner about satisfaction of project progress and management issues and positive feedback was received.

Sarmite Pilate

1st Transnational Meeting of project Municipalities Supporting Adult Education” (MSAE)

The meeting was held in November4, 2020, in zoom platform.

All participants shortly presented themselves, including represented organisation and country.

Project coordinator presented the Project aims, expected results, informed about planned learning/ teaching events in Italy and Estonia, publicity and dissemination issues (leaflet, newsletter, mailing list etc.), multiplier events for 40 participants in each country, involvement of target group, responsibilities of partners, planned timeframe and deadlines.

Project partners were introduced with Project budget and reporting rules.

Italian partner presented on the platform as a tool for the MSAE project, explained structure and users’ rights and showed also draft logos for the Project.

All partners finished meeting with motivation and good understanding of work to be done.


First short-term joint staff training event of MSAE project


was organized in September, 22-24, 2021 as a 3-day virtual activity due to unstable situation with covid.

It was focused on methodological and promotional materials tailored for Local Administration and municipalities. The LTTA was organized as transnational training course in order to prepare the staff members to work with the new methodologies and intellectual outputs, as well as to prepare mentors and trainers who will be able to ensure sustainability of the project results in all partner countries. We had discussions how to involve and motivate Municipalities, local administrations or the Central administration for Adult education in boosting their own activities for adult and/or low-skilled workers or unemployed ones. Learners of the partner organizations exchanged/shared materials, best practices and different aspects on how to enhance local municipalities role in supporting adult education.

All partner contributed to the content of the training course.

In Day 1, participants acquired skills in the use of the Desk analysis, the Review and Survey of existing practice in local municipalities as they were collected in all countries, including analysis of the specific target groups;

  • In Day 2, participants acquainted and discussed examples of good practices, the organization of the adult education and new way to motivate adults to LLL;
  • In Day 3, participants discussed sustainability of the project results, good practice examples of previous projects sustainability.

Sarmite Pilate, Project Coordinator

Some pills about our project

  • Municipalities Supporting Adult Education 2020-1-LV01-KA204-077426, is an Erasmus+ project aiming at significantly increasing adults’ participation in formal, non-formal and informal learning, both to acquire working skills and to implement active citizenship, investing in the growth of human capital at all levels in order to increase the efficiency of enterprises. Focusing on the educational needs of different target groups – both socially vulnerable and socially and economically active people – MSAE aims at capacity building for SMEs, analysing the digital literacy needs expressed by enterprises, public authorities and, more generally, by the local labour market. In addition to PROMETEO as the Italian partner, the project partners are the lead partner Latvian Adult Education Association (Latvia), Lietuvos Suaugusiuju Svietimo Asociacija (Lithuania) and Eesti Taiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsioon Andras (Estonia).

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